
首页 / news / “Yongqi Cup-Longcheng Riding Track” in Changzhou High-tech Zone promotes green travel

“Yongqi Cup-Longcheng Riding Track” in Changzhou High-tech Zone promotes green travel

浏览次数:173 分类:news

At about 8 a.m. on May 28, it was sponsored by the Party and Labor Committee, the Management Committee, the New North District Committee of Changzhou, the District Government of the Communist Party of China, the Propaganda Department of the New North District Committee, the sponsorship of Yongqi (Changzhou) Automobile Industry Co., Ltd. and the “Yongqi Cup-Longcheng Riding Track” of New North District, 2017, which was exclusively planned by Jiangsu Yunman Cultural Media Co., Ltd. Sex cycling activities opened in the South Gate Square of Dino Water Town. More than 200 cyclists participated in the event.

At 8:30, with the starting gun, the riders rushed out of the track like arrows from the strings and began a journey of more than 30 kilometers. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) transmit to the scene the progress of the cyclists. The riders chase after me and the citizens on both sides of the road cheer for the riders from time to time.

At this time, Dino Square, the various performance activities are also launched, singing and dancing performances, clown interaction, food tasting, immediately make the activity site into a sea of joy.

At 8:55, the first group of cyclists arrived at 10 kilometers, 8:57, the cyclists arrived at Xiaoxinqiao, 9:06, two or three cyclists have pulled away from the big group, 9:08, the first group of cyclists arrived at 15 kilometers… News from the front came back to the base camp in time, and the scene was full of tension and warmth.

At the event site, Huaxun interviewed Sun Zeyang, member of the Party and Labor Committee, Standing Committee of the District Committee and Minister of Propaganda and United Front Department of Changzhou National High-tech Zone (Xinbei District), who was the organizer of the event. Sun Zeyang said that the event was one of a series of activities for the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 25th anniversary of the founding of the New North District and the 15th anniversary of the founding of the New North District. It was also a concrete action in response to the 18th National Congress to change the concept of development. It fully demonstrated that the New North District of Changzhou responded positively to the call of the Central Committee. Real green development concept, advocate green lifestyle, let more citizens practice the concept of energy saving and low carbon, in participating in public welfare activities, contribute to the cause of environmental protection.

Liu Guanzhi, executive vice president of Event Sponsor Yongqi (Changzhou) Automobile Industry Co., Ltd., told Huaxun. com that Yongqi Automobile Industry was a Taiwanese-funded enterprise that settled in Changzhou High-tech Zone (Xinbei District) earlier. Green implies vitality, vitality and hope. It is incumbent upon Yongqi to respond to the government’s call to advocate green riding. Liu has highly praised the service of Changzhou high tech Zone (New North District): “give power!” Yongqi automobile industry has been in the past 17 years. In the process of development, enterprises will meet with some problems more or less. But as long as it is reasonable, reasonable and legal, it has never been refused by the district government. That is why we are rooted here.

Yang Welfare, deputy secretary-general of Changzhou Taiwanese Association, also had a lot of thoughts about the ride. He said: “We have more than 1200 Changtai businessmen. Changzhou is a healthy and civilized city, and cycling is a healthy and environmental protection activity. The event held by Changzhou High-tech Zone (Xinbei District) involves Taiwanese people, which is both sides of the Taiwan Strait. I would like to thank the organizers and relevant units for providing Taiwanese people with the conditions created by this green movement.

Fan Bo, the chairman of Jiangsu Yunman Cultural Media Co., Ltd., who was the sole planner of the cycling event, said that he would like to thank the organizers for giving him the opportunity to participate in the event. Before that, the company had hosted two consecutive marathons and accumulated some experience to ensure the smooth progress of the event.